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Yan, Y, Jarvie, S, Zhang, Q*, Han, P, Liu, Q, Zhang, S, Liu, P. Habitat heterogeneity determines species richness on small habitat islands in a fragmented landscape. Journal of Biogeography 2023, 50, 976– 986.

Li, F, Minggagud, H, Jarvie, S, Wang, Y, Yan, Y, Gong, X, Han, P, Zhang, Q*. Mowing mitigates the adverse effects of fertilization on plant diversity and changes soil bacterial and fungal community structure in the Inner Mongolia grassland. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 2023, 346, 108358.


Yan Y, Jarvie S, Liu Q, Zhang Q*: Effects of fragmentation on grassland plant diversity depend on the habitat specialization of species. Biological Conservation 2022, 275:109773.

Su N, Jarvie S, Yan Y, Gong X, Li F, Han P, Zhang Q*: Landscape context determines soil fungal diversity in a fragmented habitat. Catena 2022, 213:106163.

Han P, Zhao X, Dong Z, Yan Y, Niu J, Zhang Q*: A new approach for the classification of grassland utilization in Inner Mongolia -- based on ecological sites and state-and-transition models. Ecological Indicators 2022, 137:108733.

Gong X, Jarvie S, Zhang Q*, Liu Q, Yan Y, Su N, Han P, Li F: Community assembly of plant, soil bacteria, and fungi vary during the restoration of an ecosystem threatened by desertification. Journal of Soils and Sediments 2022.

Zhao X, Li F, Yan Y, Zhang Q*: Biodiversity in Urban Green Space: A Bibliometric Review on the Current Research Field and Its Prospects. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022, 19(19):12544.

Liu L, Xu X, Wu J, Jarvie S, Li F, Han P, Zhang Q*: Comprehensive evaluation and scenario simulation of carrying capacity of water resources in Mu Us sandy land, China. Water Science & Technology Water Supply 2022.


Liu P, Liu L, Xu X, Zhao Y, Niu J, Zhang Q*. Carbon footprint and carbon emission intensity of grassland wind farms in Inner Mongolia. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021.

Liu Q, Zhang Q*, Jarvie S, Yan Y, Han P, Liu T, Guo K, Ren L, Yue K, Wu H , Du J, Niu J, and Svenning J-C. Ecosystem restoration through aerial seeding – interacting plant–soil microbiome effects on soil multifunctionality. Land Degradation & Development 2021.

Yan Y, Jarvie S, Zhang Q*, Zhang S, Han P, Liu Q, Liu P. Small patches are hotspots for biodiversity conservation in fragmented landscapes. Ecological Indicators 2021.

Zhang S, Zhang Q*, Yan Y, Han P, Liu Q. Island biogeography theory predicts plant species richness of remnant grassland patches in the agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China. Basic and Applied Ecology 2021.

Li F, Yan Y, Zhang J, Zhang Q*, Niu J. Taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic beta diversity in the Inner Mongolia grassland. Global Ecology and Conservation   2021.

Han P, Zhang Q*, Zhao Y, Li FY. High-resolution remote sensing data can predict household poverty in pastoral areas, Inner Mongolia, China. Geography and Sustainability 2021.


Zhang Q*, Buyantuev A, Fang X, Han P, Li A, Li FY, Liang C, Liu Q, Ma Q, Niu J, Shang C, Yan Y, Zhang JEcology and sustainability of the Inner Mongolian Grassland: Looking back and moving forward. Landscape Ecology 2020.

Liu Q, Zhang Q*, Zhao Y, Li FY Ecological restoration is the dominant driver of the recent reversal of desertification in the Mu Us Desert (China). Journal of Cleaner Production  2020.

Yan Y, Zhang Q*, Buyantuev A, Liu Q, Niu J Plant functional β diversity is an important mediator of effects of aridity on soil multifunctionality. Science of the Total Environment  2020.


Zhang, Q., Zhao, Y*., Li, F.Y., Patterns and drivers of household carbon footprint of the herdsmen in the typical steppe region of inner Mongolia, China: A case study in Xilinhot City. Journal of Cleaner Production  2019.

Zhao, Y., Zhang, Q*., Li, F.Y., Optimal herdsmen household management modes in a typical steppe region of Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Cleaner Production  2019.

Yan, Y., Liu, Q., Zhang, Q*., Ding, Y., Li, Y., Adaptation of Dominant Species to Drought in the Inner Mongolia Grassland -- species level and functional type level Frontiers in Plant Science  2019.


Liu, Q., Buyantuev, A., Wu, J., Niu, J., Yu, D., and Zhang, Q*. Intensive land-use drives regional-scale homogenization of plant communities. Science of the Total Environment 2018.


Zhang Q, Buyantuev A, Li FY, Jiang L, Niu J, et al. Functional dominance rather than taxonomic diversity and functional diversity mainly affects community aboveground biomass in the Inner Mongolia grassland. Ecology and Evolution   2017.

Li Q, Zhang X, Zhang Q,*, et al. Impact of Land Use Intensity on Ecosystem Services: An Example from the Agro-Pastoral Ecotone of Central Inner Mongolia. Sustainability  2017.


Zhang Q, Wu J, Buyantuev A, et al. Plant species diversity is correlated with climatic factors differently at the community and the functional group levels: A case study of desert steppe in Inner Mongolia, China. Plant Biosystems 2016.

Ma W, Feng G, and Zhang Q*. Status of Nature Reserves in Inner Mongolia, China. Sustainability 2016.

Han F, Kang S, Zhang Q*, et al. Effects of climate change on primary production in the Inner Mongolia Plateau, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2016.


Wu J, Zhang Q*, Li A, et al. Historical landscape dynamics of inner mongolia: Patterns, drivers, and impacts. Landscape Ecology 2015.

Kang S, Ma W, Li Y, Zhang Q*, et al. Functional Redundancy Instead of Species Redundancy Determines Community Stability in a Typical Steppe of Inner Mongolia. PloS ONE  2015.


Zhang Q, Ding Y, Ma W, et al. Grazing primarily drives the relative abundance change of C4 plants in the typical steppe grasslands across households at a regional scale. The Rangeland Journal  2014.

Zhang Q, Hou X, Li FY, et al. Alpha, Beta and Gamma Diversity Differ in Response to Precipitation in the Inner Mongolia Grassland. Plos One 2014.


Zhang Q, Niu J*, Wu S, et al. Impact of climatic factors on genetic diversity of Stipa breviflora populations in Inner Mongolia. Genetics and Molecular Research 2012.


Zhang Q, Niu J*, Buyantuyev A, et al. Productivity-species richness relationship changes from unimodal to positive linear with increasing spatial scale in the Inner Mongolia steppe. Ecological Research  2011.

















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